You can find our department’s GDRS here
Every department, including philosophy, has an internal set of rules governing how work assignments are given, expectations of work hours for particular assignments, health and safety, and other particular rules. From the Grad School’s website:
“Article 9, Work Agreement/Work Assignment, in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University and the GTFF details the General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS) that each hiring unit must prepare describing the conditions under which GE appointments and reappointments are made, evaluations are performed, etc.
The GDRS is not a job description. In a grievance situation or dispute, however, the hiring unit will be held to the policies and procedures outlined in its GDRS.
Pursuant to the current CBA (Article 9, Section 7), the Graduate School maintains a website for students, faculty and staff to easily access GDRS documents.
The GDRS documents (PDFs) contained on this website are to be considered the master copies, and any electronic or non-electronic distribution of the GDRS must be made from these copies.
The Graduate School also maintains out-of-date GDRS files, which can be made available upon request.”